As more and more chemicals are used to manufacture furniture, wall coverings, cabinetry, toys and items that we all use on a daily basis, the need to understand and appreciate the exposures that occur to firefighters during interior fire attacks is more important than ever! I have attached a couple of short videos that serve as a reminder of the importance of decontaminating equipment, turnouts and exposed body parts after fighting a fire. As the documented risk of cancer for firefighters continues to increase it is important that we all understand that we can take steps to protect ourselves, our families and our coworkers from primary and secondary contaminants that we are exposed to on the fire ground.
American Firehouse Furniture can be disinfected similar to how we disinfect ambulances. While we should make every effort not to bring contaminants into our living quarters, regularly disinfecting furniture and work surfaces will serve will help to eliminate the spread of contaminants!